'I have the privilege to work daily with the artists that inspire me the most' - Lacchesi I

Lacchesi is an undeniable force that has been storming across Europe and has made a big impact in France, especially Paris. Having played in the biggest parties and playing in clubs like Rex and Concrete, he has become one of the most recognisable and respected names in the Parisian scene.
In the past year he has really flourished as an artist and we’ve been keeping an eye on him as he’s developed. In this interview we take a look at his history with music, he’s affair with the techno Parisian scene and his past and future as Lacchesi.
Tell us a bit about your history with music before you became Lacchesi?
Music has always been a huge part of my life (I realise how cliché it is to say this in an interview but it’s true). Been playing piano since I was 5 which led me to a potential pianist career that I ruined during my adolescence discovering The Clash and getting really into rock, punk and years performing with a random Parisian teenage band in several venues around Paris. My interest into electronic music grew when I was about 16-17. I founded my first label « Péché Mignon » right after I graduated in 2013, and started producing other artists and playing around Paris. It was a hobby really. It all became real in 2017 when I started playing for my former crew « la Quarantaine » during the beginning of the « warehouse era » that has been striking Paris for many years now.
The techno scene in Paris is thriving with talented DJs and producers. Who are your favourites in the french scene at the moment?
The real strength of the Parisian and French scene is to have a huge panel of talented artists and the scene is always growing, it seems like this expansion will never stop. If you take a good look about the increasing influence french artists had around the globe in the past years, it’s insane.
DJs and producers are constantly renewing themselves and the panel of genres played is extremely large, it’s sometimes really hard to keep track.
I have the privilege to work daily with the artists that inspire me the most in the french scene. I am actually a true fan of every artist releasing on my label. You have no idea how exciting this is.
You recently co-founded Maison Close. What made you start a new label?
I was managing another label called « Péché Mignon », but I wasn’t happy with the artistic direction the label had anymore. I founded PMR in 2013 and I had just started my career as a DJ and I wanted to start a label with the people I met and represent the artists I was working with. Maison Close is a Parisian based techno label founded in 2019 with my manager Jakob Saulière. We are eager to discover new talents but its first purpose is to expand the local scene. This is why so far we’ve been working with local artists only. It is our priority to make their work matter, in any way we can. So far we only have a few international artists (the Austrian Jeånne released a track on the first VA and Anthro will produce a remix for our next release coming out on July 1st). It appeared as an evidence to me, as our relationship with Jeånne was really good and I really love his work! We’re not only really passionate about our artists’ productions, we need to work with people who feel like family. Releasing artists I’m not sharing anything strong with is something I will never consider.

How have you been finding transitioning from local to international artist?
As I started to play in the warehouse scene, it was really hard at first to find slots in clubs or more regular parties. I was categorised as a closing-time or afterparty DJ. We worked a lot on this since I met my manager, and finally got gigs all around France at first, then London, Berlin, Belgium...I’ve been recently playing and organising events in the biggest clubs in Paris and you can’t imagine how good it feels. I’m really excited about what’s coming until the end of the year: great gigs I cannot wait to announce and my very first solo EP coming soon. I sincerely hope this is only the beginning of a wonderful adventure.
What advice would you have given Lacchesi 5 years ago?
Take your time, be generous and keep faith; you’re going to meet extraordinary people who will help you fulfil your dreams and go even further. That’s what happened, I would just reassure myself, maybe set some kind of countdown or so to ruin the surprise! I only regret being so lazy sometimes...I would re-do everything the way it happened, but maybe do it better or take the time to do more things I guess.
List 3 tracks that you’ve been playing out recently?
Sharplines - Time Predators [RND.RO28] (the whole EP is incredible)
Phin - Upon His Parole [TOY002]
Blind Delon & HIV+ - L’opium du Pauvre [TRPLM005]
And a track that you would listen to when you’re alone at home?
Classical music or jazz I guess. When you’re back from a party or the studio it’s nice to rest your ears a little...
Charles Mingus - Goodbye Pork Pie Hat is my « end of the day tune » at the moment.
You can catch Lacchesi at our event at The Cause on the 22nd of June.